Friday, May 4, 2012

T'was a "Marvel"ous Night

Reading comic books has been a part of my life since I was a child.  I never really picked a a specific comic but when I saw Spider-Man, I was like "This guy is freakin' awesome, and then when I see a spider, I was always hoping that it was radioactive and would "accidentally" bite me and give me Spider-Man abilities.  Then, I watched that movie "Arachnophobia," and I changed my mind.  See how media is a great influence to us kids!   Speaking of influence, I used to dream about someday meeting the man who gave face to the comic book industry.  It was just a dream, of shaking his hand and taking a picture with him or maybe pick his brain, last night became that opportunity.  

My wife and I are scheduled to watch his personal documentary "With Great Power: The Stan Lee Story" with Q&A in Pasadena, and we were coming from Sta. Monica, taking the 405 freeway at 5pm.  30 minutes in to the drive we were still at Wilshire Blvd and I was getting hopeless and wanted to refund the tickets, but my wife insisted that we still try.  We got there at 6:45pm, he was wrapping up his Q&A (this was before the documentary) and we walked towards my aisle and I just stood up and shook his hand and said "Thank You."  Well, that "thank you" meant thanks for Marvel, Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, The FF, The Avengers, The X-men, and for starting a movement that who knew would change a fragment of history, and would change, most importantly how reading, is viewed today.

Again, Thanks Stan! For giving us this gift, and for still doing what you wanted to do, and never giving up on it!

'Nuff Said!


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